Social semantics and controlled semantics: an epistemological discussion

September 14th, 2009 by


今年八月将在加拿大的 Montreal召开第十届国际知识组织学会大会ISKO2008(每两年开一次,基本是在欧美轮流转),我的论文有幸选入,就是以本条博文标题为题。在刚刚结束不久的杭州图林论剑会上,我在网上参加了第一个session, 第二个session 本来也要听的,但是因为技术问题没能听完,很遗憾。在互动室里有人问我什么是Social semantics and controlled semantics,我说了以后有空再解释,这篇小文就是还那位侠客的债(一笑)。

Social semantics是我在前两年写一篇元数据研究综述文章时用到的一个词,泛指所有由用户给网络客体(web objects)加的标签的总称,特别是标签的语义内容。当时在阅读资料时,看到一篇论文非常有启发,这篇文章是讨论Agent Communication Language(ACL)的,其中该文作者提到在ACL的环境下,social semantics指的是“social commitments that are the beliefs and intentions during agent communication.” 他还提出social semantics approach in ACL involves a social context “in which the given agents participate and within which they communicate” and “allows metacommitments to capture a variety of social and legal relations” (Singh, 2000, p. 34). 根据他的这个定义,他提出对这个定义的三个限定条件,我认为是对社会语义的特点最好概括:

1. Agents (individual participants) communicate with their beliefs and intentions Such beliefs and intentions are public, i.e., observable, in terms of social commitments

2. Each communication implies three aspects of meaning: objective, that the communication is true; subjective, that the communication is sincere; and practical,

3. that the speaker is justified in making the communication (Singh, 2000).

这三条的精神就是参与者通过标签网络客体(Web objects) 来交流他们对事物的认知,属于经验知识范畴。这样的交流是真实的因而是客观的,同时又是主观的因为交流是诚恳的,而且是实际的。
在选入ISKO2008大会的论文中,我就目前国际图情界对folksonomies, 或者social semantics(社会语义)的讨论作了一个review,同时提出社会语义和受控语义在知识学上的特点,并且二者之间的知识学关系。

社会语义的最大特点是大众在描述信息客体内容方面的参与,这在过去是被图书馆员垄断的工作。这样的描述是基于大众自己的经验和对世界的认知,这是一种典型的经验知识。既是经验知识,当然就免不了一些经验知识的缺限,如真实性、系统性、组织性都存在一些问题。但是正如Shirky (2005)所说,社会语义是大众对事物的看法,虽然不一定在普遍意义上是“正确”的,但是是他们自己的真实看法想法,对他们自己的信息查找和利用有效。我们应该允许这样的语义存在,而不应该试图在他们的看法想法上强加我们(图书馆员)认为是正确的有组织的语义(受控语义)。Shirky把受控语义称之为 “mind reading." 如果我们要试图去读用户的思想,十有八九会失败。这么说社会语义和受控语义是否就水火不相容了呢?

受控语义(controlled semantics) 泛指所有的人工编制的知识组织工具及用这些工具对信息客体人工标引的结果。受控语义代表一种至上而下的方法,这样的方法遵循我们对世界的认知的一些原则和思想。受控语义可以说是一种理性知识,具有正式表述概念及其知识和推纳关系的特点。




Jian Qin
— Syracuse University

Controlled Semantics vs. Social Semantics
An Epistemological Analysis


Social semantics is more than just tags or vocabularies. It involves the users who contribute the tags, the perceptions of the world, and intentions that the tags are created for. Whilst social semantics is a valuable, massive data source for developing new knowledge systems or validating existing ones, there are also pitfalls and uncertainties. The epistemological analysis presented in this paper is an attempt to explain the differences and connections between social and controlled semantics from the perspective of knowledge theory. The epistemological connection between social and controlled semantics is particularly important: empirical knowledge can provide data source for testing the rational knowledge and rational knowledge can provide reliability and predictability. Such connection will have significant implications for future research on social and controlled semantics.

Singh, Munindar P. (2000). A social semantics for Agent Communication Languages. In F. Dignum & M. Greaves (Eds.), Issues in agent communication (
Lecture notes in computer science; vol. 1916) (pp. 31–45). London: Springer.

Shirky, Clay. (2005). Ontology is overrated: Categories, links, and tags. In
Clay Shirky’s writings about the Internet: Economics & culture, media & community.


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