

【题记】:2015年1月19日出版的美国《时代》杂志公布了OUR ALL-TIME FAVORITE BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS。这个新书目包括了两个部分:TOP 10:YOUNG ADULT 和 TOP 10:CHILDREN;而实际上新书目是包括了100本最佳少儿读物和100本最佳儿童读物;只不过这200本的书目在杂志上不全,需要进入《时代》杂志的网站才能看见。近日,我利用下班后的时间把100本最佳儿童读物的部分做了整理,除了查出这100本儿童精选绘本的中文书名外,还将其与纽约公共图书馆2014年的100本最佳儿童读物书单做了比较。发现这两个书单中同时上榜的有31本。在下面这个书单中,我将这31本书加上*号作为标志,供大家在选书时参考。需要说明的是:虽然在网上能查到各种100本最佳儿童读物书单的资料,但是有些缺憾是我想在这里弥补的,一是好些资料久无更新,比较陈旧;二是双语的比较少;三是排序比较杂乱。希望自己花时间做的这个最新的儿童绘本精品书目,能为年轻的爸爸妈妈们、准爸爸妈妈们,还有爷爷奶奶们、准爷爷奶奶们亲子阅读时提供便利。

100 Best Children's Books of All Time(前10本是TOP 10)

001 Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak, Maurice)野兽园*
002 The Snowy Day (Keats, Ezra Jack)在下雪天*
003 Goodnight Moon (Brown, Margaret Wise)晚安,月亮*
004 Blueberries for Sal (McCloskey, Robert)小塞尔采蓝莓
005 Little Bear (Minarik, Else Holmelund)小熊的故事
006 Owl Moon (Yolen, Jane)月下看猫头鹰
007 The Giving Tree (Silverstein, Shel)爱心树
008 The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs (Scieszka, Jon.)三只小猪的真实故事*
009 Tuesday (Wiesner, David)疯狂的星期二
010 Where the Sidewalk Ends (Silverstein, Shel.)人行道的尽头


011 Harold and the Purple Crayon (Johnson, Crockett.)阿罗有枝彩色笔*
012 Make Way for Ducklings (McCloskey, Robert.)让路给小鸭子*
013 Olivia (Falconer, Ian.)奥莉薇*
014 Madeline (series)(Bemelmans, Ludwig.)玛德琳*
015 Anno's Journey (Anno, Mitsumasa.)安野光雅.旅之绘本
016 The Frog and Toad (series)(Lobel, Arnold.)青蛙和蟾蜍*
017 Click, Clack, Moo (Cronin, Doreen)咔嗒 咔嗒 哞
018 The Story of Ferdinand (Lawson, Robert)爱花的牛*
019 Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus (Willems, Mo.)别让鸽子开巴士*
020 The Lorax (Geisel, Theodore)绒毛树


021 Corduroy (Freeman, Don)小熊可可*
022 I Want My Hat Back (Klassen, Jon)我要把我的帽子找回来
023 Miss Rumphius (Cooney, Barbara)花婆婆
024 Brave Irene (Steig, William)勇敢的艾琳
025 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Viorst, Judith)亚力山大和可怕的恐怖的不好的非常糟糕的一天
026 The Cat in the Hat (Geisel, Theodore)戴帽子的猫*
027 Press Here (Tullet, Herve)按这里
028 The Day the Crayons Quit (Daywalt, Drew)蜡笔罢工的一天
029 Whistle for Willie (Keats, Ezra Jack)彼得的口哨
030 The Garden of Abdul Gasazi (Allsburg, Chris Van)魔术师的花园


031 Yertle the Turtle (Geisel, Theodore)乌龟耶尔特
032 Millions of Cats (Gag, Wanda)100万只猫*
033 Chickd Chickd Boom Boom (Martin, Jr. Bill)叽喀叽喀碰碰*
034 A Bear Called Paddington (Bond, Michael)小熊帕丁顿
035 Winnie the Pooh (Milne, A. A)小熊维尼*
036 The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Potter, Beatrix)彼得兔的故事
037 Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel (Burton, Virginia Lee)迈克.马力甘和他的蒸汽挖土机
038 Go Dog, Go (Eastman, P. D)前进吧,大狗*
039 Mama Don't Allow (Hurd, Thacher)妈妈说不可以
040 Eloise (Thompson, Kay)艾洛斯顶级生活系列(也有译为:艾露意丝)


041 Bread and Jam for Frances (Hoban, Russell)弗兰西丝和面包抹果酱*
042 Amelia Bedelia (Parish, Peggy)糊涂女佣*
043 Love You Forever (Munsch, Robert)永远爱你
044 Animalia (Base, Graeme)字母书
045 In the Night Kitchen (Sendak, Maurice)厨房之夜狂想曲
046 Diary of a Wombat (French, Jackie)袋熊日记
047 Tikki Tikki Tembo (Mosel, Arlene)提基 提基 坦布
048 Extra Yarn (Barnett, Mac)穿毛衣的小镇
049 Good Dog, Carl (Day, Alexandra)卡尔,你真是条好狗
050 My Father's Dragon (Gannett, Ruth Stiles)我爸爸的小飞龙*


051 Hello, Rock (Bradfield, Roger)(无中文版)
052 The Gruffalo (Donaldson, Julia) 咕噜牛
053 Sylvester and the Magic Pebble (Steig, William)驴小弟变石头*
054 The Important Book (Brown, Margaret Wise)什么是最重要的
055 Jazz (Myers, Walter Dean)爵士第一书
056 The Strange (Van Allsburg, Chris)陌生人
057 The Very Hungry Caterpillar (Carle, Eric) 好饿的毛毛虫*
058 We are in a book书里有我们
059 Jenny and the Cat Club (Averill, Esther)珍妮和猫俱乐部
060 The Runaway Bunny (Brown, Margaret Wise)逃家的邦妮兔


061 Pippi Longstocking (Lindgren, Astrid)长袜子皮皮*
062 Journey (Becker, Aaron) 旅程
063 Green Eggs and Ham (Geisel, Theodore)绿鸡蛋和火腿*
064 The Red Balloon (Lamorisse, Albert) 红气球
065 Little Owl's Night (Srinivasan, Divya)小猫头鹰的夜晚
066 Paddle-to-the-Sea (Holling, Holling Clancy)划向大海
067 Katy and the Big Snow (Burton, Virginia Lee)凯迪和一场很大的雪
068 A Sick Day for Amos McGee (Stead, Philip C)阿莫的生病日*
069 Slow Loris (Deacon, Alexis.)蜂猴
070 The Color Kittens (Brown, rgaret Wise)彩色猫咪的故事


071 The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore (Joyce, William)莫里斯.莱斯莫先生的神奇飞书
072 Oh, the Places You'll Go! (Geisel, Theodore)你想去的地方
073 The Little Engine That Could (Piper, Watty)小火车头做到了
074 Cars and Trucks and Things That Go (Scarry, Richard)轱辘轱辘转
075 The New Kid on the Block (Prelutsky, Jack) 小区来的新邻居
076 How Rocket Learned to Read (Hills, Tad)火箭如何学会阅读
077 The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales (Scieszka, Jon)臭起司小子爆笑故事大集合
078 The Story of Babar (de Brunhoff, Jean)小象巴巴
079 The Three Questions (Muth, Jon J)三个问题
080 Grandfather's Journey (Say, Allen)外公的旅程*


081 We Are the Ship (Nelson, Kadir)我们是舰艇
082 We're Going on a Bear Hunt (Oxenbury, Helen and Rosen, Michael)我们要去捉狗熊
083 Arthur's Nose (series) (Brown, Marc)亚瑟的鼻子
084 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie (Numeroff, Laura Joffe)要是你给老鼠吃饼干
085 Sayonara, Mrs. Kackleman (Kalman, Maira)再见Kackleman夫人
086 Miss Nelson is Missing (Allard, Harry)尼尔森老师不见了*
087 Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse (Henkes, Kevin)莉莉的紫钱包*
088 Alligator Pie (Lee, Dennis)鳄鱼皮馅饼
089 Everyone Poops (Gomi, Taro) 大家来噗噗
090 Rain Makes Applesauce (Scheer, Julian)雨做成了苹果酱


091 Lon Po Po (Young, Ed)狼婆婆*
092 The Berenstain Bears (series) (Berenstain, Stan and Jan)贝贝熊系列
093 Mr. Popper's Penguins (Atwater, Richard and Florence)波普先生的企鹅
094 Library Lion (Knudsen, Michelle) 图书馆里的狮子
095 The Real Mother Goose (Wright, Blanche Fisher)鹅妈妈童谣集
096 Harry the Dirty Dog (Zion, Gene)好脏的哈利
097 Out of My Mind (Draper, Sharon M)听见颜色的女孩
098 The Poky Little Puppy (Lowrey, Janette Sebring)世界上最慢的小狗
099 Pete the Cat (series) (Litwin, Eric)皮特猫系列
100 Stellaluna (Cannon, Janell)星月


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