

Hollywood Gets Ready for Oscars

They are rolling out the red carpet on Hollywood Boulevard, getting ready for the Academy Awards, or Oscars, Sunday night. The annual film honors draw attention from around the world to one corner of Hollywood.

Workers are readying the Dolby Theatre, where Hollywood luminaries will gather for the Oscars. The world's media are paying attention. So is a visitor from Australia, who is waiting for some answers.

“Who wins and who doesn't and who lucked out. We love our movies in Australia as well,” said Theo Agiannis.

Others, like Tiffany Brue of Louisiana, hope to catch a glimpse of Hollywood glamour.

“How people dress, the celebrity styles,” she said.

The work of top designers will be on display Sunday night. So will the neighborhood with longtime ties to the movie business.

Across the street, the Hollywood Museum is in a building that was once the studio of make-up master Max Factor. The biggest stars, including Judy Garland, got touch-ups for their hair and makeup here. A dress once worn to the Oscars by actress Barbara Stanwyck is also on view.

Museum founder Donelle Dadigan said the first Oscar ceremony was held on this same street in 1929.

“We are in the center of all things entertainment and tourist all year long. But it is extremely heightened and magnified on Oscar Sunday and actually for the week leading up to Oscar Sunday,” she said.

As workers put on the finishing touches, fans are getting ready, including film students and professors at California State University, Los Angeles.

“It's something that everyone looks forward to every year. And it's also something that you use to consider what films you may want to go see,” she said.

And it's important for the stars. Some will go home Sunday with an Oscar.

Comedian Ellen DeGeneres will host the Oscar ceremony. Tens of millions of people in the United States will be watching on television, and hundreds of millions more around the world.


最佳导演阿方索-卡隆(Alfonso Cuarón) 《地心引力》

最佳男主角马修-麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey) 《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

最佳女主角凯特-布兰切特(Cate Blanchett) 《蓝色茉莉》

最佳男配角杰瑞德-莱托(Jared Leto) 《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

最佳女配角露皮塔-尼永奥(Lupita Nyong'o) 《为奴十二年》

最佳原创剧本斯派克-琼斯(Spike Jonze) 《她》

最佳改编剧本约翰-里德利(John Ridley) 《为奴十二年》




最佳剪辑阿方索-卡隆和马克-桑格 《地心引力》

最佳摄影艾曼努尔-卢贝兹基(Emmanuel Lubezki) 《地心引力》

最佳视觉效果提姆-韦伯、克里斯-劳伦斯、大卫-舍克、尼尔-科博尔德 《地心引力》

最佳音响效果史凯普-李维斯、尼夫-安迪里、克里斯托弗-本斯泰德、克里斯-穆洛 《地心引力》

最佳音效剪辑格伦-弗里曼托 《地心引力》

最佳艺术指导凯瑟琳-马丁、贝弗利-邓恩 《了不起的盖茨比》

最佳服装设计凯瑟琳-马丁(Catherine Martin) 《了不起的盖茨比》

最佳化妆与发型设计罗宾-马修斯(Robin Mathews)、阿德瑞萨-李(Adruitha Lee) 《达拉斯买家俱乐部》

最佳配乐史蒂文-普莱斯(Steven Price) 《地心引力》

最佳原创歌曲《Let it Go》 克里斯滕、罗伯特-罗伯兹 《冰雪奇缘》




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